Bac Ninh proposes to remove difficulties in social housing development

17/07/2024 07:18 Số lượt xem: 129
On July 15, the National Assembly's Supervisory Delegation No. 1 led by Mr. Vu Hong Thanh, Member of the Party Central Committee, the Member of the National Assembly Standing Committee, and Chairman of the Economic Committee worked with the Provincial People's Committee on implementing policies and laws on real estate market management and social housing development from 2015 to 2023.

Mr. Vu Hong Thanh speak at the working session.


Receiving and working with the delegation were Mr. Vuong Quoc Tuan, Alternate Member of the Party Central Committee, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Mr. Dao Quang Khai, Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee...

In recent years, under the direction of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People's Council, the Provincial People's Committee, and the active participation of departments, sectors, localities and investors, the real estate market has had positive developments, contributing to socio-economic growth, attracting many investment capital sources, contributing to urban beautification and gradually improving people's housing needs; encourage organizations and individuals from all economic sectors to participate in social housing investment, ensuring harmony between the interests of the State, businesses and people.

From 2015 to 2023, the Provincial People's Committee issued 44 management documents in the field of real estate, social housing development and directed the Department of Construction to advise and issue more than 1,560 related documents. The documents ensure consistency, timeliness, effectiveness and efficiency when applied in practice. The whole province has been implementing the construction of 212 real estate projects, of which 167 projects are commercial housing with more than 29,000 apartments with a scale of more than 756 hectares. In addition, there are 54 social housing projects for low-income people and industrial park workers with an area of ​​173 hectares, which when completed will provide more than 77,000 apartments for about 231,000 people...


Mr. Vuong Quoc Tuan speaks at the working session.


Social housing projects have developed but have not kept up with the needs of workers and low-income people; site clearance work for some projects encountered difficulties; the legal framework is unclear and sanctions are inadequate, leading to real estate transactions on the market that are difficult to control or determine actual transaction prices; updating information into the specialized database system on housing and the real estate market is still passive; access to preferential credit policies is still difficult; some people buy or rent social housing incorrectly; regulations on appraisal of selling/rental/lease-purchase prices of social housing are not consistent with the actual situation...

Bac Ninh province recommends that the National Assembly's Supervisory Delegation report to the competent authorities to continue researching, adjusting and supplementing a number of regulations and mechanisms: Issue specific transitional instructions for cases in which investors have been selected through auction but have not yet completed procedures to approve investment policies according to housing law; supplement conditions for subjects to rent social housing; mandatory regulations on the scale and ratio of commercial and service land areas in the process of preparing and adjusting industrial park planning; mechanisms and preferential policies for investors related to management and operation of investment in synchronous social infrastructure construction in large-scale social housing projects...


Mr. Dao Quang Khai speaks at the working session.


Mr. Vu Hong Thanh requested Bac Ninh province to complete the report, focusing on clarifying the following contents: Occupancy rate of industrial parks, industrial real estate market; transfer status of real estate projects; obstacles in planning work; fire prevention and fighting in boarding houses developed by people themselves; results in examining and handling the phenomenon of profiteering from social housing development policies; results of resolving recommendations of real estate businesses, social housing projects... On July 19, the report must be sent to the Delegation to gather and work with ministries and central branches to find solutions and remove the province's problems.

The Standing Vice Chairman Vuong Quoc Tuan respectfully thanked the Delagation. He assigned functional agencies to complete the content and data of the report to send to the delegation on time. At the same time, he hoped that the National Assembly, the Government and central ministries and sectors would continue to pay attention and support Bac Ninh in urban development in general and the development of social housing and real estate market in particular.

Đ.A – H.T