Developing green industry, inevitable trend

16/08/2024 14:13 Số lượt xem: 54
From the beginning of the year until now, Bac Ninh has led the country in attracting FDI capital with a total capital of about USD 3.2 billion. Notably, investment projects with high technology content, serving sustainable growth, tend to increase.

Launching the Glory Faith (Vietnam) electronics factory construction project in Gia Binh II Industrial Park.


To create new impetus and promote the economy in a more sustainable direction, Bac Ninh province has the view to selectively attract investment to ensure green growth goals; take quality, efficiency, technology and environmental protection as the main evaluation criteria. In recent times, the province's functional units and sectors have been creative and innovative in promoting and attracting investment in parallel with accompanying the business community with the most specific and practical actions.

Glory Faith Vietnam Electronics Factory project in Gia Binh II Industrial Park, with a total area of ​​more than 44,000 square meters, total investment of USD 120 million. This is an enterprise belonging to King Board Group (Hong Kong, China), specializing in manufacturing the world's leading electronic components. Glory Faith's orientation in Bac Ninh is green production, minimizing emissions by the application of high technology and renewable energy. It is known that before investing, King Board Group researched many provinces and cities in Vietnam and finally decided to invest in Bac Ninh because it has a very convenient location, synchronous infrastructure, and very open investment procedures.

Gia Binh Industrial Park II has a total planned area of ​​250 hectares. It was invested and built in the direction of modernity, advanced technology, clean industry, with priority given to the fields of: Electronic manufacturing and assembly, information technology, high technology. Recently, the operation of the industrial park's wastewater treatment plant, with many modern technologies, has become an important factor in building a green and circular industrial park.

Recently, HANAKA Group (Investor of Gia Binh II Industrial Park) has just inaugurated a modern wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 7,000m3/day and night. The factory comes into operation, contributing to attracting quality investors, fulfilling HANAKA Group's commitment to building a modern, synchronous, and ecological industrial park.

From the beginning of the year to the end of July, Bac Ninh attracted about 280 newly registered foreign investment projects, an increase of 97 projects over the same period. The flow of foreign direct investment into Bac Ninh maintains a strong growth momentum, showing effectiveness in the province's efforts to attract FDI capital.

With an open investment environment, modern infrastructure, abundant and quality labor source, Bac Ninh has been affirming its position as an attractive destination for investors. In which, investors mainly come from China with 178 projects; Hong Kong 31 projects; Singapore 29 projects. In addition, 109 projects were adjusted capital (an increase of 21 projects), with an increased capital adjustment of USD 1 billion 584 million; capital contribution, share purchase, capital contribution 28 times with a value of USD 40.9 million.

In July, Bac Ninh province granted new investment registration for 35 projects with a total registered investment capital of USD 356.2 million, including 3 large projects from Singapore, including 1 investment project in high-precision printed circuit board manufacturing industry, with registered capital of USD 260 million; 1 project to produce electronic components with registered capital of USD 50 million and 1 project to produce optical equipment and instruments with registered capital of USD 26.85 million.

With the criteria to attract FDI investment capital in the direction: "less land, less labor, but capital, technology, high efficiency and ready premises, high quality human resources, mechanisms, solving difficulties", these are the key factors to transform from a simple, traditional industrial park to a green industrial park model, forming a new type of industrial park. Therefore, even though it is the smallest locality in the country, Bac Ninh is still in the leading group to attract FDI capital flows.

Developing green industry not only brings human values, but also brings very high economic benefits. Businesses can make the most of clean energy and circular energy, with the application of green energy. With smart factories and advanced technology, land fund is not a big obstacle. Bac Ninh is the province with Vietnam's leading high-tech industrial ecosystem, thereby helping businesses connect with each other more easily.

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